Saturday, October 18, 2008

List of Things I Detest While Watching Movies in a Cinema

1. Boisterous Seatmates

Talking and chatting are normal human activities, but please not during movie time. I know some people want to be actors, but please be considerate. Just lower the tone and intensity.

Also, laughing is totally acceptable especially in comedy films. Avoid guffawing because it is quite disturbing.

2. Tap Dancers

Ever experience a tap dance performance? I did. It is quite really an experience to remember.

3. Mastication / Sleeping/ Gulping

Self explanatory

4. Grumbling Plastic Bags

Try crumpling your plastic bags, it can make orchestral noise.

5. Q and A

6. Standing Up

Normal but is terribly irritating especially in important scenes.

7. Flirting / Kissing / PDA

Never seen one and don’t plan to.

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